

发表时间:2019-05-13 14:00


展览时间:2019-05-11 - 2019-11-24

展览城市:意大利 - 威尼斯



策 展 人:吴洪亮

参展人员:陈琦 费俊 耿雪 何翔宇



第58 届威尼斯国际艺术双年展中国国家馆的主题:Re- 睿,源于对本次双年展主题“愿你生活在有趣的时代”的回应。“Re”是西方多种语言词汇中出现频率较高的前缀,有“回、向后”之意,给后缀的词汇构成一个往前回溯的动势。中文里有一个相似读音的字:睿,它的意思是智慧。面对今天的新问题,回眺或许才能获得由“Re”及“睿”的洞察。策展人希望通过艺术家费俊利用手机App 创作的交互作品;艺术家陈琦超写实的中国传统水印木刻;艺术家耿雪体味生命轮回的影像装置;艺术家何翔宇模拟触觉的装置等作品,使虚拟世界与现实世界相遇,让观众浸入对身体感知、日常感悟与文明偶合的再思考,共同营造出一条回归本心的探求之路。


The Chinese Pavilion upholds the title “Re-Rui”, in response to the themeof the 58th Venice Biennale, i.e., “May you live in interesting times.” “Re”is a prefix frequently used in many Western languages. It has the meaningof “back” or “backward”, adding a retrospective sense to the rootword it precedes. “Rui” ( 睿) is a character in Chinese that has similarpronunciation, meaning wisdom. In the face of today‘s new problems,we may need to gain insights from “Re” and “Rui” through looking backinto the past. The exhibits presented in the Chinese Pavilion includean interactive mobile APP developed by artist Fei Jun, a large-scalewatermark woodblock printing in traditional Chinese style produced byartist Chen Qi, an imagery installation about the cycle of life producedby artist Geng Xue, and a set of sculptures created by artist He Xiangyuas an artistic expression of the tactile perceptions. Through these exhibits,the curator tries to connect the virtual and the real world, where viewersare allowed to immerse in re-thinking about body perceptions, dailyreflections and civilizational coincidences, and jointly explore the pathback to the heart.

宁静致远      一丝不苟